Jurisdictional Assignment Plan
Who is Jurisdictional Assignment Plan?
The Jurisdictional Assignment Plan of the BC Construction Industry was established in 1978. A joint initiative of CLR and the BC & Yukon Territory Building & Construction Trades Council, the JAplan ensures that work keeps going at all times while jurisdictional disputes are resolved quickly and effectively.
Why a new website?
JAPlan needed upgraded search capabilities including synonyms and PDF document support.
Were there any special client requirements?
Hosting and servers all need to be in Canada for security.
About the Project
The Jurisdictional Assignment Plan of the BC Construction Industry website includes a powerful document search as well as a custom, members-only area that allows members to access restricted documents and content.
Public content was added to the site including a news area, training information and resources. Prior to this, the public site was an exclusive members-only area for those with valid login credentials. The new website design is an evolution of the bold, machined look that was established in our original site.